Providing a safe and friendly environment for those living with Dementia and their Carers
About Us
A Dementia Café was run in Daventry by the Alzheimer’ s Society until they lost their funding from Northants County Council.
The Volunteers and Carers decided that it was too important to lose the cafe and they formed a committee to consider a way forward.
This was the birth of Daventry and District Memory Café in April 2017.
To start with things were a bit ad hoc, for example, our early cafes were held in the iCon Cafe, to whom we will always be grateful, as they did not charge us except for the coffee we drank, but as we grew in confidence and started approaching local businesses for help, we received enough sponsorship to enable us run the Demcafe firstly at the Abbey Centre and currently at the Daventry Methodist church.
We are always looking for new volunteers if you have time that you think you can devote to supporting those suffering with dementia then please contact us for further information.
The Dementia Cafe is run on the second Tuesday and forth Tuesday of the month by experienced volunteers who have all been touched in some way by Dementia .
Our aim is to provide a safe environment to support carers and facilitate activity and stimulation for those experiencing memory problems. We provide a mixer of games, quizzes, and reminiscing sessions, most importantly a friendly welcoming atmosphere..
Some of the members of this group have known each other for a long time and have supported each other through some really tough times.
Unfortunately the Group can not accept someone living with Dementia unless accompanied by a family member/carer/friend.
Demcafe is run at Daventry Methodist Church, Golding Close, Daventry, NN11 4FB

Activity & Support Groups - Second Tuesday of the Month
For those attending with memory problems, we facilitate stimulating activities and companionship
For the family member/carer, we facilitate a support group, with the opportunity to talk to others in the same situation as yourself, and gain support and advice along the way
This is led by a group of experienced volunteers who offer support, guidance and a listening ear.
We also regularly invite guest speakers to keep us updated on what is available to assist you in the community, and to answer any questions that we cannot help with.
£1 per person towards Refreshments
1.30pm to 3.30pm - Just Turn Up All are Welcome!
Activity & Support Group - Every 4th Tuesday of the Month
After a hot drink and a chat we will facilitate a social activity for all to join in, including Bingo, quizzes, singing/dancing and guest entertainers.
There will always be a member of the volunteer team available to discuss any difficulties or problems on a one-one basis if required.
The goal of this activity is to help you find ways of reconnecting with your loved one.
Experienced volunteers demonstrate and help you practice the best ways to communicate with people with Dementia.
Participants leave the group with tools and strategies to cope, and gain confidence and wellbeing.
All the volunteers have experience of caring for people with memory problems and are all passionate about helping in any way we can.
£1 per person towards Refreshments
1.30pm - 3.30pm
What our Carers Say
'Demcafe gives so much support to families caring for dementia sufferers.'
'Friendly support'
'Somewhere to chat and share experiences. It helps such a lot knowing there is support for all of us.'
'Valuable Information.'
'Its is a place I don't have to pretend.'
'A place to feel safe and wanted.'
'Tea and cake and biscuits'
'Good company'
'Great support and help'
We would like to say a big thank you to Armadillo Self Storage. Armadillo have kindly given us free storage to meet our means.
It's support like this that really overwhelms us. We cant thank Armadillo enough.